Pet Acupuncture Athens, GA
Your Classic City Vet
Acupuncture is typically used to relieve pain, but it is also used to treat metabolic abnormalities, skin illness, and mental health. We are proud to offer veterinary acupuncture here at Gaines Shoal Animal Clinic.
Pet Acupuncture Athens, GA
Acupuncture is a traditional medical practice that dates back thousands of years to China. Acupuncture was first practiced on horses, and as it evolved, it was applied to farm animals and companion animals.
After a thorough Chinese Medical Evaluation of your animal has been completed to identify the imbalance present, acupuncture is utilized to treat it. Following this, certain meridians (channels) throughout the body are identified, and tiny needles are inserted to carry out healing procedures.
The focus of this type of healing is on rebalancing the body. The body releases hormones and endorphins as a result of acupuncture, and both internal and exterior inflammation is reduced.